Denver, CO

Tom was a tourist too.

We then finished out the day in some downtown bars.

The next morning I went to this cool diner for breakfast. People were ordering an awful lot of alcohol for 9am on a Sunday morning.

The most frustrating road in America. So we were driving up to Fort Collins, and you get on this great straight open road, with a speed limit of 75! But I don't think I ever hit 75, because people suck at driving seriously. Even worse then Washington. Here everyone just rides in the the left hand lane on each others bumpers. They presumably do this because people drive like 45 in the right hand lane, and thus if you get over to let someone pass, you'll never get back over yourself. So it was slow slow BRAKE slow slow SUDDEN BRAKING etc.

Fort Collins was really cool. It was a college town like Boulder, and had a bunch of Microbreweries, but they were all closed since it was Sunday.

Terrifying art.

Later that evening I went to a Colorado Rapids game.

They sat me in the very front row, with their "crazy" fan support section. I could practically smack Reyna in his stupid head.

The Rapids support group really sucks compared to the DC United ones. First, obviously they didn't buy season tickets for their entire section since I ended up there. Second, they wore shirts that said "No I won't sit down", since crazy support groups stand the entire time, but sure enough, when NY scored in the first 20 min, they all sat down. They had drummers, but were disorganized. And they spent the whole second half saying how much their team sucks. Oh, and then an official threatened to kick them out for saying "Bullshit" to a bad call. Lame.

The sunsets out west are awesome.
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