Disney World

Phil was there too.

The next day we went to Epcot. The last time I was in Disney World I was 10. I remembered Epcot as "that boring place with no rides and Michael Jackson". But it was probably my favorite park this time around.

They had Jesus skywriters every day drawing smileys and writing JESUS LOVES U LOTS, but by the time he got to the end it was more (blurry writing) U LOTS.

The fake world section was the best part, as there is actually beer there. I mean culture.

We ate lunch at Morocco-land. They also have Mexico, Norway, Japan, China, Germany, France, the UK and Canada. Canada? What an odd choice Disney World. They had all the things Canada is famous for...um... dirt, and um, hockey and um...rocks.

Shinto shrine, not quite centered with Epcot.

Kelly continues to statue mocking.

I'm not as good.

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