London, England

Tower Bridge, and lots of cars driving on the wrong side of the road. Lucky they put "look right" and "look left" at every intersection so the rest of the sane world knows where the cars are coming from.

The tower of london behind us. I am evidently cringing from the light...

One of the oldest things in London, got mostly spared from the bombings and fires of the past.

The modern world has built up around it. We went to a bizarre noodle bar near here.

We then went on the Jack the Ripper tour. Sunday nights some famous author of Jack the Ripper history gives the tour, so we went with him...and like 500 other people! Here he is, and the "prostitudes church" behind him. He gives an excellent tour, has a great loud voice for the mood of the thing, and knows alot. However, I would catch him on Discovery channel or something rather then recommend this tour. Mainly because most of the sites he takes you to no longer exist. Old alleys where murders happened are now skyscrapers. The area was pretty bombed out in world war 2. Plus Jack the Ripper only killed like 5 people...don't quite understand the big deal.

In the shadow of the Gerkin.

My favorite (sorry favourite) part of the tour was when we were walking through this empty part of the east end (its a Sunday night so the area was dead) and this guy was walking home, comes around the corner and sees this huge group of 300 people marching down the road. He says "Oy! Where did you all come from?!!!". It must have been bizarre to see this large group come out of nowhere.

The parts of the east end that are still around are very neat and moody, its cool walking around here at night.

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