Oxford, England

A quad in Christchurch college. The guy in the middle is a porter who's sole job is to ensure you don't walk down that path in the center, or god forbid on the grass.

Cloisters are probably my favorite thing in these old churches.

Here are Christchurch's cows, and Kelly's friend Evan. Kelly is all bundled up but it was like 75 and sunny that day.

Gooselings. We saw these before we took a very long walk down the Thames to a random pub that was in the middle of no where.

Oxford was really neat, with a lot more history then I realized, so many famous people have gone here, and you see neat sites like the pub where Tolkien and CS Lewis would frequent, or 800 year old pubs, etc..

Another one of the colleges had random deer.

This is one of their neat formal dining halls. If it looks like something from Harry Potter, it's because they filmed a lot of Harry Potter here. Since we were guests of Evan's and he is in the administration we got to sit at the head table, and everyone had to wait to eat until we all paraded in and sat down. And when we decided we were done our dinner, everyone had to stop eating and stand up with us as we parade out. I sure wish I went to college here, everyone at the dinner is served a 4 course meal with 15 year Bordeaux, pudding, and then we had drinks before and after (I tell you they like drinking here).

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