London, England

Then we went to Westminster Abbey. It had a high price to enter too ($40 for two), but this was actually semi-worth it. Dead people are always worth it.

Buckingham Palace

One of the guards, we didn't watch the changing of the guard because I could care less...just imagine this guy walking and stuff.

Fountain in front of the palace.

We then tryed to use our washing machine (which also drys, something I didn't know existed!). It was very weird. It went *tumble tumble tumble* -stop- *tumble tumble tumble* -stop- *super fast spinning* -stop-. I think this may save water or something but must use twice as much electricity, especially since it took like 2 hours to wash, and holds hardly any clothes.

Smurf breat implants, or high tech laundry detergent? decide.
Next Day, and the day after that