Miami, FL

Lots of huge houses....also I've never seen so many Rolls Royces, Bentleys, Ferraris, and Lamborghinis in my life. Porsches were about as common as Civics in Maryland. After I saw the 50th Carerra Turbo, I stopped being impressed. Oh and random story. So we are looking for the "Coco Walk" or something, and we follow signs towards "The Barnacle" which is some historic site or something off of route 1. Anyways, the road we are on is getting pretty scary, this neighborhood is really shady. Boarded up delapidated homes and people chilling on corners despite it being the middle of a weekday....and right when we were about to turn around we make a right and there is this random yuppie Oasis. A tree lined street with nothing but Porsches, Mercedes, and trendy expensive shops. They even wanted to charge $6 for parking...this was literally a block from extreme ghetto. It was bizarre (No pictures sorry).

We weren't driving a porsche...but our compact we reserved got upgraded to this GMC Canyon for free. I was interested in the Canyon, so it was fun driving our truckster all around.

Lots of wildlife was seen too.