Montreal, Canada

We went to downtown Montreal to sample their famous steak seasonings.

The old blends with the new... it was much like other Canadian metropolises I've been to, clean and modern.

We visited McGill college since it was right downtown near where we parked.

There are lots of parks in Montreal, all well landscaped. I wonder how well they hold up in the frigid canadian winters? It must get cold in Montreal because they have an entire underground city, with offices, hotels, malls, etc. (not pictured)

Me and the founder of McGill fighting off those wicked Canadian winds.

Montrealese police with some nice bikes. Oddly after walking past this I was approached by a group of people handing out flyers for LaRouche telling us to stop Cheney and Bush...typical thing to occur on a college campus, but uh..we are in Canada, what do you expect to do to our politicians exactly?

Mount Royal I think?

Randomly encountered the Pakistani consolate.

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