New York, NY

On our way up to Vermont to attend Kelly's cousin's wedding, we stopped for a night in New York City to rest and visit Kelly's friend Sarah.

We didn't have a whole lot of time or money for sightseeing, but we did manage to stop in Times Square, which I hadn't been to before. It was much much like you'd expect, a giant mall.

We took the subway into Manhatten from Sarah's place in Brooklyn. Here is a mini-rant about the NYC subway....its not as complicated as people think, but it is more complicated then it needs to be. All I ask is for 2 things at every subway station. A) A sign telling the current fare (its a flat $2 rate no matter where you go), and B) A map of the system at every stop BEFORE the area where you pay your fare. Neither was the case, so we did end up taking a long detour and looking like dorks asking the guy for the price.

Kelly, Annoyed at waiting for the right train downtown.

As usual, the trusty civic got us there in one piece. It even got to drive in manhatten on the way out of New York, which was quite the adventure. You're not a real New Yorker unless you honk constantly in stopped traffic and swerve into oncoming traffic occasionally. I got to do both!

The cute neighborhood where Sarah lived. Each townhouse is broken into 3 or so apartments, each of which costs around $1800 a month and up. (yikes!)