Paris, France

Our next day we went to the Lovre. On the way we discovered the very best bakery in town...was in the subway??! Yeah... in the subway they have fruit vendors and a bakery, and I swear the Pain Au Chocolat we got there was better then in any "real" bakery in town.

The front section of the Lovre

The glass pyramid.

Kelly doing her impression of the statue. There are like 12 others similar to this, I'll save some bandwidth by letting you imagine them.

"The Winged Victory". With tons of people surrounding. Here's my mini rant on tourists/people and art at the Louvre or any other art museum. The Louvre basically was extremely crowded at three places: The Winged Victory, the Venus De Milo, and tons around the Mona Lisa. Here's my thing... what makes these three things better then all the other stuff around? Just because you've heard of it before? The Mona Lisa is the LEAST interesting thing to me here, because i've seen it a billion times. The Venus De Milo looks just like the hundred other similar sculpters... Anyways, I guess its nice because most of the museum was quiet if you were away from these things (they put them all near each other too). Also found Art Counting Fun: Pictures of Jesus and/or Mary and Baby Jesus 4,543. Art involving breast feeding in some way: 7,654. Art involving male genetalia: 3,456. Everything else: 42.

The Eiffel Tower and an arch near the Louvre.

More Pigeon action.

The Place De Concord and the Arch De Triumph further in the distance.

Wait...are there two statues?

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