Paris, France

We started out this day with a creepy tour of the Catacombes.

You go very far underground through this old damp, abandoned mine.

We enter the Temple of Doom.

Whats here? Oh thousands and thousands of human remains. Yes, stacks of real dead human femurs, tibias and skulls.

No ropes, or supervision, you wander around in the dark and can touch these (not that i did, gyah!). You could even take a skull or two if you wanted (they check your bag for bones, you sadistic bastard)

The people that laid these down here got bored and made fancy designs with the skulls, like hearts, crosses, etc...

Gyah just seeing these again gives me the heevy jeeves. And it's dripping water around you since its like an underground cave. You don't know gross until you've been dripped on by skeleton water.
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