Portland, OR
I had to go to Seattle for work for a week, so I came up a few days early to see the rest of the Northwest.

Knowing gas prices would be high and I'd be doing a lot of city driving, I reserved an economy car. What did they give me? A minivan of course. What's the point of reservations?

The GPS once again was a life saver when out of town.

We got to Portland just in time for bike rush hour, which is the same as normal rush hour, except in Portland, the most bike friendly city in America, there are hundreds of cyclists out everywhere. You'll notice in many of the other pictures people riding bikes.

Portland was a great town, and very walkable. We're actually walking parallel to a major road here. It's hard to find many bridges on highways in this area you can safely walk accross.

We stayed on the east bank of the river, so we walked accross to see the main downtown on the west.

It was nice.

We then found Chinatown, which is decent sized like most western cities.

Kelly is excited to have been able to escape Chinatown without having to eat Chinese food.
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