Day 1 - Lisbon


We decided to go to Portugal. A few years ago we had a plan to rent a car and drive from Portugal to Italy, but then I got a job in Pittsburgh and can not get that type of time off so, well we just went to Portugal for two weeks. Everyone wants to know "Why Portugal?" followed by "What does one do in Portugal?". I don't really have good answers for either, except that Portugal seemed like a beautiful, western country that isn't crazy with tourists and is reasonably warm and has quality soccer. As to what we did? Well you can see here, but this was an epic trip with over 1100 pictures! We started our trip by flying into Lisbon.

So I recently got a bunch of mirror tint aviator glasses.

We started our first day out exploring Lisbon's central historic district (and promptly getting lost).

All the little old buildings were really neat looking. Lisbon is newer then most of Portugal because the whole city was destroyed in an earthquake/tsunami in 1755, so this stuff is "just" 250 years old.

Portugal has exactly one famous person: Vasco De Gama. No really, that's it. History class is a breeze for Portguese kids. Vasco De Gama will be a common theme of this trip.

We found a park, and came upon Pigeons making out.

And a duck with a ton of little ducklings.

This old guy was talking to us about it in Portguese, and I was all like "Yo, No hablo portugeuse", so I guess he also spoke French and figured that was close enough and explained everything again in French. I did pick up a few words from my brief knowledge of French.

Ducklings doing their thing.

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