Day 11 - Porto


So evidently our timing for arriving at the right place and right time in Portugal continues. It turns out all those kids we saw were university students celebrating the last day of classes. They all dress up in their traditional uniforms on the last day of classes and go out and get crunked in the city. The next day (right outside our hotel) they had this huge gathering where the bishop would speak.

Just to translate Kelly body language.. "I am not at all interested in watching the Bishop of Portugal give a speech in Portugese to a bunch of students"

So we began our walk to the beach, which according to the map was walking distance from the center of town.

You basically take Rua da Boavista the whole way. But man it seemed like it was taking a lot longer then expected, are we slow?

So stopping in a park 1/4 of the way there I check the map again... it turns out I was reading the scale wrong, and what I was interpreting as 400 meteres was actually a kilometer because the map makers used some convention unknown to my Geography degree. So instead of the 3 miles we thought it was, I think it ended up being like 11 miles....oops.

In the park we stopped in though, we saw the abosolute most bad ass statue of all time.

First you literally have people falling off and climbing onto the statue, some sweet canons and action going on.

And then at the top of it all a Lion is just slaughtering an eagle. It's hard to describe or show in pictures, but rest assured the Pennisular Wars must have been bad ass.

After a good 3 hours of walking we ended up at the park near our final destination and saw frogs....making tadpoles.

Hard to see in this small resolution, but the bird is siting on a sign that said Perigo (danger).

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