Day 12 - Porto/London
Before we left Porto we slid over to the Port caves where all the Port companies are and took a tour of Sandeman. One thing I thought was awesome was a class of 3rd graders was there on a field trip before us. Can you imagine a field trip in America going to the Jack Daniel's Distillery or something?

This poor guy had to dress up like zoro for our tour.

We then had an evening layover in London, and decided to stay in the new Yotel.

It was wild, absolutely tiny, but modern and high tech.

To save space, bags are stored under a bed that comes out, it was really more then enough space.

The one bad thing about the Yotel's in Terminal 4. And we had decided to meet some friends in central London for some drinks. Well evidently Terminal 4 is like the Twilight Zone after 11pm. No tubes will run there. So we took a tube to Terminal 2, because surely there was a way to get to Terminal 4 from Terminal 2, like the train we had taken earlier that day. Except when we got to Terminal 2, the train was closed. So we went to the bus area. Nothing but cleaning guys and we asked them how to get to Terminal 4 and they looked at us like we were crazy. Yes, Heathrow one of the largest airports in the world evidently closes down around 11 and there is no way between any of the terminals and terminal 4.

But before that drama we saw more drama at a pub near Fulham. We met Evan and Tenile, and after we sat down some punk London teenagers came bursting in the door and started yelling all kinds of things at the pub owner, who seemed drunk himself... anyways, no pictures but it was hillarious.

TTenile's friend Megan was there too.

And Kelly.

This picture was taken at 1:30 in the morning in Terminal 2, when all other options had failed and we went to the cab stand in terminal 2 only to find no taxis either. The porter also wouldn't answer the phone, so i had to go wake him up. A taxi driver then came and took us from terminal 2 to terminal 4...the ride cost 20 pounds!!

Some closing notes about Portgual. First, we thought Portugese was like Spanish-lite, I mean I could read most Portugese i saw since a lot of the words are similar... but the spoken language sounds absolutely nothing like Spanish (maybe a mix of French and Italian?). Also people have since asked me if I would go back or want to live there, the answer to both is yes, but not over other places in the world. It's very relaxed and cheap which is awesome, but I don't know that there is anything unique enough about it that I would rather live in Lisbon then Paris say. And finally, I'm sure you new school people wish you could comment on pictures etc, but this isn't web 2.0 so you'll have to talk to me in person or something I guess, I apologize for the inconvenience.
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