Day 2 - Lisbon


The next day we went into the Alfama quarter, which is an older Moorish area that mostly survived the earthquake.

We saw someone hanging clothes on their balcony, it seems like everyone still uses air dried clothes in Lisbon.

I normally have a really good sense of direction, but since medieval streets don't make any sense, I got us lost a lot trying to find things by where they seemed to be...

But eventually I found us a cafe for some breakfast.

It was near an old fashioned tram stop.

And had some great sweeping views of the Alfama and the port.

Kelly looks down at where we had been wandering for an hour or so.


It's always hard to see in pictures, but this is a really steep road.

And once again I got us lost (the castle in the left background was where we were trying to go)

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