Day 5 - Evora
So Evora is the kind of place that buses stop in for a few hours to let tourists off, and then continue on. So why did we stay here two days? We weren't sure either, and both of us thought it was the other person's idea. But in the end it was fun and we got to see every inch in detail and enjoy more restaurants that were closed when we arrived. Here is a statue of someone famous who came here to ask permission of the king. Who is it? That's right kids, Vasco De Gama!

We saw so many peacocks this trip, I can definitely say I recognize a peacock's mating call at a distance of 300 meters or so.

These were ruins of the old castle area thing.

Evora had a giant old wall around the city (the whole inner city is a UNESCO world heritage site), and we walked the full perimeter.

A view of the old Aquaduct.

Resting after the walk/getting lunch.

This was the only "microbrew" we found on our whole trip, it was delicious.

Then we went to Diana's temple, old Roman ruins. Who knew Portugal had Roman ruins?

Kelly, in front for scale. They sure knew how to build things to last.

The windy cafe/park of Diana.

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