Day 6 - Taviera
On our drive to Taviera the GPS took us on a bunch of back roads and Kelly got to experience the thrill of passing cars by going within an inch of oncoming traffic. Once we got back on the autostrada, we saw several of these "tailgating lessons"

They had little marks in the road to see if you were following too close. Which was odd because there was so little traffic and people are so good about passing or getting passed that tailgating is rarely needed.

Where a GPS does fail you is in a medevial town. The closeness of the streets and confusing layout were too much even for a computer, so we just parked somewhere and tried to find out hotel. Our virtual breadcrumb was this picture.

This was our first of three nights in Pousadas. They are old historical places that are run by the government as hotels. This one was an old convent.

The little street it was on.

After checking in we went exploring in the near by city walls. As usual Portugal lets you climb whatever, so I was all over that.

And as usual there were no rails. Another group of people came up after me and then were scared to move or go down.

Us with Taviera in the background (kinda)

When we were eating lunch in the center of town, we saw this pregnant bitch.

Then we went for a stroll along the waterfront.

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