Day 9 - Aviero
Leaving the little medevial city of Obidos was as exciting as coming in.

Narrow ways!

Why you should never entirely rely on a GPS. It didn't have the highway we were driving on, so it freaked out as it thought we were driving cross-country for 40 miles or so.

We then arrived in Aviero...but once again we've hit a Portugeuse holiday, Labour Day (May Day), so it was absolutely crazy.

They describe Aviero as the Venice of Portugal, but it seemed more like Amsterdam.

I was tricked, Fanta does have Sucre de Maize or whatever corn syrup is in Portugese.

Kelly did not have the same obsession with Soda.

Pastelaria's, one of the best things about Portugal. Pastelaria = Delicious fresh pastries, and they are everywhere. To show how cheap Portugal is, you usually get two giant pastries and two espressos (good ones) for like 2 euro. In Paris I think we usually paid 5 euro for just one espresso.


When walking out of Aviero's main area, we found a trendy mall and Portugese food court!

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