Seattle, WA
Next back to Seattle...

Gas prices are seriously high here. Oh, and on that we took a shuttle from the Airport, we ask the guy what the roads are like around here. "Oh people are crazy, you'll get killed!!!!". Jeez...we're from DC, but I guess we shouldn't mess around. However, upon actually driving on the roads we found that Washington state drivers are THE SLOWEST IN THE COUNTRY. Despite having 70 mph speed limits in many places, no one will go a hair over 60!! Nevermind that as I drove in the right lane of a 55mph road in DC today going 80mph I was being passed like I was standing still.... anyways, speed it up Seattle!

Coming out here everyone kept being all "Seattle is rainy, yuck!", and I was all ready to give a big rant here about how that's a myth, and Seattle is really only rainy during the Winter, and it's dryer then DC in the summer. But here Seattle goes, and gives me the only cloudy day of the trip.

Pictures from the top of the space needle.


The closest Seattle gets to mass rail transport is the transportation of the future, Monorail! It has two stops.

...And one rail....

The famous Pikes market. It kind of reminded me of the Annapolis/Baltimore fish markets before we shut them down.

The in-laws evidently have a cheese shop here.
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