Vancouver, BC
On we drove to Vancouver from Portland...

We kept seeing these Taco Time's on the highway, and the logo kept changing... since we'd never heard of it before we decided it was indeed Taco Time.

So Mexican food isn't exactly a specialty up here. My Taco had ranch dressing on it, and these "Mexi-Fries" look supiciously like Tater Tots.

Even the Target parking lots have pretty views around here.

Vancouver is one of the largest cities in North America to not have a freeway run to it's downtown. As a result, you go from highway to backroads to find downtown Vancouver.

The traffic was heavy, but the views were nice.

The view from our hotel window.

So we were pretty close to this neat street that had all kinds of stores and bars and people on it. We spent lots of time there, but for some reason all I have are lots of pictures of buildings.

I mean lots of pictures. These were like 2 of 50. I like architecture porn as much as the next guy, but even this was silly.
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