Day 24
Holbrook, AZ, 8.15 am, Sunny, 26 degrees
Big day of driving today, we once again blew through New Mexico, using it only to get our oil changed. (Yep, we have gone over 6000 miles). We also entered into Central Time Zone, so we have changed time zone twice in two days.
But first we stopped in the Petrified Forest in Arizona. The "forest" basically was just a bunch of rocks that looked like stumps.
They had a lot of trouble with people stealing pieces of wood from the park, so there are tons of signs everywhere and the rangers constantly question you about stealing wood.
There were some other neat things in the park. Here was a natural bridge made from a petrified log.
They called these rock formations the tepees. Near here there were some neat petroglyphs. Click here to see them.
The end of the park concluded at the Painted Desert, which looked alot more impressive then these pictures show.
Once again, the park was cool, but they really shouldn't charge so much for us to see national parks that we are already paying taxes to support. This park is worth the visit, but when I weigh what we saw versus the $10 entrance fee, it almost doesn't seem worthwhile. If you are going to see national parks, the best way is to buy the $65 golden eagle permit and see them all in one year.
Amarillo, TX, 7:30 pm, Sunny, 37 degrees.