About Me


I am currently 27 years old, I was born in Washington D.C., and spent my high school years in Glen Burnie, Maryland with just my dad. I graduated from Glen Burnie High School class of 1998! After high school I attended Anne Arundel Community College. I think they call those Junior colleges in some part of the country, but anyways, for people around here the college is sort of a joke, because anyone can get into it, but hey its cheap. I was only there for a semester however, so I didn't have the full "AACC" experience I guess, my loss I suppose. I then graduated from The University of Maryland: College Park. Its one of the harder schools to get into in Maryland, but its not Harvard or anything. Its currently ranked around number 50 in the nation, and they were the NCAA Basketball National Champions in 2002.

I love sports. Growing up in Baltimore, I'm a huge Raven's and Orioles fan. I also really like DC United and have been steady playing soccer recently.

If you've seen my Pictures, you know I also like to travel. The picture in the header I took in Costa Rica.

I married a wonderful woman named Kelly. She is from Pittsburgh (land of many mountains), Pennsylvania (land of absolutely nothing), which is not so coincidentally where I recently moved. She is an accountant and plans to one day be a doula, and is way smarter than I ever hope to be.

Feel free to Contact me.

About Me

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