Santiago, Chile

On the bus ride back you could see the vineyards of Chile's famous wine industry.

The day we got back to Santiago, a pretty serious fire broke out in town.

The next morning when we were grabbing desayuno, we ended up in the middle of a street march. Luckily it was peaceful (seemed to be nurses wanting more pay?).

We went to the Santiago zoo one day, which had this interesting notice. For those who can't read spanish, it wanted to make sure you don't bring bananas in (so they can sell you marked up bananas no doubt), don't bring your own silverware, because that's just weird, don't bring your cat, and if you must bike in the zoo, make sure you are fully riding a wheelie.

The zoo felt a lot more professional than Buenos Aires, no feeding the animals. But the enclosures were much smaller.

It was built into the largest hill in the city, so you got crazy views at all of the exhibits.

Llamas with a million dollar view.

There was also a SERIOUS funicular here which took you way way up the rest of the hill.

A little higher than Mt. Washington.

Santiago's answer to Rio's Christ the Redeemer is a giant Virgin Mary.

We hiked the back hills to get down the mountain.

One day I came across none other than Abraham Lincoln.

Santiago felt modern and growing, much wealthier than Buenos Aires, you saw new buildings and SUVs and it felt more like America.

If you think Chilean food is anything vaguely like Mexican food you are wrong. While I did try most of the authentic Chilean dishes (usually fish with potatos or something), I think the real official food of Chile is the hot dog. They are EVERYWHERE. The signature way to do it is a "completo" which has salsa, some other stuff and a bunch of mayo on the top.

Water from the Andes rushes down this cool river in the center of town. While Santiago generally felt cleaner, this river was filthy, I saw tons of garbage being dumped and floating down it.

Chile's Presidential Palace

The signature cocktail of Chile, a Terramoto (earthquake), which is like wine, Fernet and Pinnaple ice cream. Sounds gross but is really refreshing.

General Thoughts About Chile and Other Things