Oxford, England

On Tuesday, we rented a car and drove to Oxford to see Kelly's friend. We could have taken a bus, but damn't I wanted to drive on the wrong side of the road!

Driving on the other side wasn't too bad, driving on the wrong side of the car was the harder thing to get used to. I didn't have any problem with the roundabouts that are everywhere, not sure why everyone complains about them, besides the fact they make no sense as opposed to say a red light.

Oxford was a typical college town...except that all the buildings were like 800 years old.

Here is our sweet ride, a Kia Picanto. It got like 55 mpg, and was pretty peppy... only like 50 hp, but only weighed 1000 pounds. I wish everyone drove these cars in America, its great.

Oxford was really neat, unlike London it didn't get bombed during the war, so all the medevil buildings, churches and streets still stand.

This was a really cool area where I guess they have a special ceremony when people graduate. All those little things on the fence are different cool heads of knights or something.

Since Kelly's friend was a Dean at Oxford, so we got a really cool behind the scenes tour, he just flashed a badge and we got in areas that tourists were paying for or not allowed to go.

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