Day 9 - Aviero
Aviero has a free bike rental program, where you get a cumbersome "Buga", but since it was Labour day there was a crazy rush for them and we didn't get to ride.

Other side of the canal.

A park, where we saw a ton of people making out. All people do in Portugal is make out.

Labor protests were followed by concerts. Evidently in other parts of Europe on Labour day things turned violent, but not here.

This picture sums up why Portugal is so awesome. 3 empty beers purchased with a value meal at the food court, with soccer on tv, and a completely packed food 11pm at night! Chill out America, life can be fun!

We watched an American movie in Aviero, and it had an intermission at half time. Also they asked us if we wanted sugar on our popcorn.

Our hotel was awesome, we got a free welcome drink of port and these little egg pastry things they are famous for, and when we returned at night we had a hot caraffe of tea waiting for us.

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